A Pasadena Family Law Attorney Speaks Out About False Accusations In Divorce

A Pasadena Family Law Attorney Speaks Out About False Accusations in Divorce

In divorce cases, emotions run high, and there is much at stake. Under careful scrutiny by the court, parenting plans are drawn up and agreements are reached regarding property and debt division. It’s no surprise that some people will stoop to extraordinary lows to achieve what they want, including, on occasion, making false allegations of abuse. To be clear, we are not talking about actual cases of abuse and neglect: Instead, we’re talking about cases where one spouse attempts to use the legal system to damage the other, by making false allegations of abuse.

False Accusations of Child Abuse

Often, the conflict is about the custody of the children. It is not uncommon for parents to be in contention about child custody issues. If both households are safe and stable, both parents should typically have rights to custody or visitation. A powerful reason a parent is restricted from access to his or her children is abuse, neglect, or molestation. When true, one parent may be granted sole custody, and rightly so. No child should have to endure abuse in the home of a parent.


Sometimes, however, these accusations are the result of a cold calculation by one parent who decides that falsely accusing the other parent of abuse, potentially destroying a life in the process, is the strategy to employ to gain custody, or to punish the other parent. Young children may be convinced that they have experienced something that never occurred. If a child is isolated from an accused parent during divorce proceedings, it may be possible to alter the child’s memories. From there, a child’s testimony in court, even if unclear and entirely invented, can have an enormous influence on a judge’s decision. At the Law Office of Richard S. Jacinto, our Pasadena family law attorney knows firsthand just how damaging these false accusations can be to an innocent parent.

Other Types of False Accusations

There are other unethical strategies that may be employed to come out on top in divorce courts. Some people will not hesitate to lie in court about the following claims:

  • Domestic abuse. Again, this may concern children, but it may also include allegations of spousal abuse.
  • Fiscal irresponsibility. One spouse might claim the other has spent frivolously and harmed the family finances.
  • Substance abuse. Claiming that one’s ex has an alcohol or drug problem could sway a judge to believe that he or she is unfit to care for children, or was at fault for the breakdown of the marriage.
  • Responsibility concerning childcare. It may be difficult to verify claims that a parent is consistently late to pick up the kids, or neglects the children. If not handled correctly, such accusations can result in reduced visitation rights.

How a Pasadena Family Law Attorney Can Help

If you are going through a difficult divorce, it is well worth your time to consult an experienced Pasadena family law attorney. At the Law Office of Richard S. Jacinto, we understand that your spouse may take various actions to attempt to undermine you and your parental rights in court. We can help you fight back against false accusations, and demand that you are treated fairly. The court does not look kindly upon those who make false accusations. If you are a victim of this type of activity, we urge you to connect with our firm at once. Contact us for a confidential consultation.

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